Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Compressed hair from a German Shepherd (kept together by static etc etc), further photos of previous red water sculpture shows growing stain etc etc

Company inside a vase

Somebody is here/ there. The sound of a zipper is un zipping... it's 40 degrees inside and theyre merely getting comfortable!
Leather is squeaking......................... pages ruffling......
PVA globs dry on hands to be peeled off later...... etc etc etc etc
GUESS slacks, clippings with words, blue glass cleaner, a door that doesnt lock. Pillars stacked with mounds of dog hair......... Drunken portrait of a Wolf/ Kyote character spotting out a beautiful woman. That "BAROOOOOGA!!" sound effect goes off and eyes forcefully pop out of his head.... Mouth wide open, Tongue unravels.........etc etc.
finger painting, cold hair, television..................................................................
Rose coloured glasses. Heaps of question marks and an oversized jacket. Jeans, that fit.
Eyes are alarming.... a certain taste.... gutter water....... comma's..............................
Everything is easy to correct when wet.

Water against glass, bubbles agaisnt glass.

Safety pins//////////////
